Vector Wero White Waterpark

Hello guys our class and room 1 and room 17 went to Wero. It was very fun and we were training for white water rafting. Then we went rafting it was so much that we went up that ramp in the picture and the we went down the river and there were heaps of rapids. We had to paddle fast to get more speed we also went swimming goodbye see you next time.

Book report

Kia ora. Today I will be telling you about my learning. I’ve been learning about Matariki and I really liked it and it was very cool and I really enjoyed using the function “polylines”.

Kia ora my name is klaw and i will be talking about flappy bird coding is soo fun and

its cool and its like the real flapy bird its cool and its


Dance party coding

hi today i have been learning about dance party coding and it was fun its cool and i can even make my player dance,move and it can play songs and also even cool songs you know there is stages you can change your backgrounds and make your player do the floss and the drop also other moves you could do see you later bye.

all about me


My name is Klaw and I love cars and food. I really like nike

and i like anime my favourite anime person is Luffy.

my favourite food and drinks is a frozen cola and burger.

bye for now.


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